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Thank Yous and Acknowledgements


Ashley Allard, my confidant, co-conspirator and co-editor. Your company reminds me that life is light and negotiable.

Vanilla Jane, for being there before the beginning starterd.

My Moyé ‘Minions’ - past and present. Each of you have taught me something different. I do not surround myself with mediocrity and you have been a testiment to that.

And to Benji Anstey, Hana Hassim, Mphoentle Mabusela, MoeLycaen, Palesa Mponang, Thato Nzimande for listening to me ramble while making Moye and this project,  

To Theodore Ghorbany and Raea for constantly showing up for me emotionally and physically.

Paper Jam, for being present through it all.

To the Wits Writing Group, the weekly sessions are mandatory for my sanity.

The people I’d like to be a combination of when I grow up:

My supervisor Tammy Langtry, for her gauidance, patience & encouragement in my haphazard gestation process

To the creative spirit jumpstarting advise givers, who compassionately made sure I had my priorities straight: Anifa Linga, Bettina Malcomess, Francis Burger, Hafiza Asmal, Sharlene Khan, Kamva Matius, Ntokozo Mudua Piscean Hue (Katlego Habi)

To Rangoato Hlasane for letting me use the riso and widening my mind to the power of a publication

To dearest Ma and Da,

and to my lungs, my sister Khanyile. you are either in everything I write or I write for you

To the literary journals, teen online blogs, zines, collage accounts media magazines that I read in my bedrooom

To To the literrar

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