Soft Bird Turned Eagle
There's a story my dad used to tell me whenever I needed to go through a difficult change. He would say that eagles go to the mountains when they reach the midpoint of their lives. They peck out their withered feathers, bash their heads against the rocks, and peck out their talons. This process, although painful, allows the eagle to live for many more years. Afterward, they can fly better, with sharper talons and beaks.
I never quite understood it. I always felt more akin to a sparrow—a small bird—than to an osprey. But sometimes, you have to do what you have to do. Maybe when I said if you poked Moye with a stick it wouldn't hurt me, I was wrong.
Listen, I had to rip out wings and refashion beaks. I think it helped me. Firing the entire social media staff made me realize that Moye was using social media as a crutch. More creation is happening behind the scenes without it. Cutting off segments of Moye that were staples was difficult, but now we get to see what's on the other side of it—what Moye could be without those elements.