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when it comes down to it, even love is not strong...

sumaya e

When it comes down to it, even love is not a strong

enough illusion to keep you soft. You will clot like

granite, and when the day come s that you have to

look a self-appointed god in the eye, you will tell

them you cannot worship them without stuttering.

What exactly about me angers you most? It is that

I am both black and alive? Two crimes existing

simultaneously. I would peel off this skin and keep it

somewhere safe if I could. But every morning I have

to wake up and do my best impression of a moving

target and hope I make it home in one piece. Because

when it comes down to it, even blackness is not a

strong enough illusion to keep you safe.


poetry and cover art by -sumaya e

Sumaya (she/her) is a 21 year old poet and sometimes a med student. Follow her Instagram for more poetry.


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